2024 Dye CSA

from $95.00

What’s a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a model where shareholders (like you) invest in farms (like me) with the purchase of a share. This share acts as an agreement between you and the farmer that says ‘even though the items you paid for are not ready for purchase yet, when they are, I will make sure to set aside a portion of my crop for you that reflects that initial investment you made’. This guarantees you a portion of the year’s harvest throughout the growing season and helps give farms an infusion of cash at the beginning of growing season when we have a number of inputs like seeds, soil amendments, seed starting supplies and not much is in season so sales are low. Plus, when harvests are abundant, your share reflects that abundance with no extra cost to you!

Share information

The 2024 dye CSA season lasts from May through October.

Each month includes at least 3 ounces of dried flowers, roots, or leaves.

Share details:

  1. Half share: includes the guaranteed monthly amount of in season dyes

  2. Whole share: includes the guaranteed monthly amount of in season dyes plus a mordanted item each month such as wool yarn, silk scarves, cotton socks, linen towels, clothing items etc.

Shares can be picked up at either the farm or at a local event (like Mill City Farmers Market or Linden Hills Farmers Market). Shipping is also an option.

All share levels will also get a newsletter with each month’s share, which talks about the plants, what dyes are included in the share, how to use the dyes, and some fun dye plant facts.

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